What You Should Know About Maintaining an Eco-Friendly Lawn and Yard

You may be a ‘green’ household with a compost pile, solar panels, and a small energy footprint. However, have you ever considered your yard, and what going green means for your lush lawn, abundant flowers, and healthy shrubs? It is always great to know that yards that are organically grown are lusher, greener, and healthier than their conventional counterparts. Here are a few things you need to know about maintaining an eco-friendly lawn and yard.
Organic fertilizers are eco-friendly options for your eco-friendly lawn. The organic fertilizer breaks down slowly and feeds the blades over a long period of time, thus providing nutrition when the plant system needs it. As the soil accepts the nutrients, the plants spread a strong root system looking for the nutrient it requires; thus, the bare or weak patches of grass are easily strengthened.
As the grass roots of an organic lawn spread and multiply, they can become compacted and in dire need of oxygen. To help them thrive, and depending on the type of soil your yard has, lawn aeration is required at least once a year. Your lawn care service will use a machine that takes divots out of the grass at regular increments to encourage oxygenation and growth.
Weeding can be a difficult matter when it comes to an organic lawn. There are chemicals on the market that many homeowners spread around that inhibit the growth of weeds in the lawn, but you should probably ask yourself what else those chemicals do to the soil. Instead of working with an unknown chemical, trust your lawn care service to provide you with a plan that will include regular weed removal and lawn maintenance.
With regular watering and mowing, your organic lawn can stay green and lush all summer long. Hire an organic lawncare service and sit back and enjoy how lovely your eco-friendly yard can be.