Helpful Tips for Winter Lawn Maintenance


Many people use winter as an excuse to give up on lawn chores for the season. However, this time of year is even more crucial to adequately taking care of your yard. Lawn maintenance is a regular activity you should undertake to make sure your landscape looks pristine for all 12 months in the year.


One of the first things you should do is remove anything on top of the grass. From snow to dead leaves, these materials prevent sunlight from reaching the grass and allowing it to grow. Over time, these materials will kill the grass, and you will need to start from scratch once spring arrives. You can hire a professional snow removal service to eliminate any snow on your landscape, and you should rake your lawn once every few days to keep leaves and other pieces of foliage at bay. Leaving a few leaves on the ground can be good lawn maintenance because it provides your grass with some compost, but you do not want to overdo it.


You also want to make sure you take into account any patio furniture you leave outside. Winter is a good time of year to bring furniture inside. If you are unable to do that, then you need to put a protective covering over any tables or chairs. It is more likely to rain during the winter, and that extra moisture can lead to rust.


It is also a good idea to fill in any low areas of the landscape with some dirt. If you fail to do this, then snow will build up in these areas. When the snow finally melts, you will be left with a ton of mud. The area will die off, and you will need to reseed it.


Lawn maintenance is preferable over allowing your landscape to die for a few months in the year. Keep it looking beautiful all year round.