The Dangers Of Snow Mold

green grass under the snow
For most of the year, your lawn’s health is easy to ascertain. In winter, however, once snow has fallen, you simply have to hope that all your tender care in the previous months will be enough to get your landscaping through to spring. Despite your best efforts, though, your grass doesn’t sit dormant under the snow and sometimes you have to treat your lawn for snow mold disease.
Snow mold is a lawn disease that sets in when your snow is still piled up even though the temperature is rising. It may also set in if you’ve had wet and cold weather. It comes in two varieties, gray and pink mold, which have different ways of harming your landscaping. Gray mold consists of spots that can be as small as an inch but may also grow to be up to two feet across. These spots typically kill your grass and leave behind patches in your yard. The pink variety also grows in circles but has fungal spores that appear pink. Under the right conditions, it kills the roots of your grass as well.
If you discover that your lawn has snow mold, it isn’t too late for you to fix it. There are still things you can do to ensure that you have a beautiful lawn. The first is to concentrate on your winter landscaping. If you still have snow, remove as much as you can, especially from shady areas. This will help keep more mold from breaking out. You might also use wind breaks or snow fences to keep snow from piling on your yard next winter.
To treat and revive your grass, rake the affected areas. This loosens the grass and lets new, healthy plants grow. Take care not to rake the grass up, as it will be fragile. Also consider calling a professional landscaping company, like us. We can recommend products and methods for killing snow mold and can also provide additional suggestions for revitalizing your lawn.
For more information about what you can do to protect your property this winter, give us a call or click here for a quote!